Kamis, 05 September 2013

Narrative Dongeng Sacriface of Raden Kusuma

Sacriface of Raden Kusuma

There was a couple who lived on the foot of Mount Bromo, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger. After eight years of marriage, they had not had any children. For six years they prayed, pleaded with God to give them children. Finally, their prayer was complied on one condition: they would have to  sacrifice their youngest son to the Bromo crater.

After some time, Roro Anteng gave birth to a child. And it happened every year until they had 25 children. They lived happily and ignored the agreement. The Mount Bromo erupted signaling that the Gods asked the couple to fulfill their promise. But, they didn’t want to let their youngest son, Raden Kusuma, be sacrificed to the crater.

Raden Kusuma learned about the deal his parents had made. Meanwhile, the lava from the crater had made the people living near the mountain suffered. Raden Kusuma was a kind and noble man. He did not want his siblings and the people suffered because of him. Therefore, he went to Mount Bromo and sacrificed himself to the carater. The eruption suddenly stopped.

Since that day, every Kasodo 14th in the Tenggerese calendar, the Tengger people (descendant of Roro Anteng and Joko Seger) give offerings to the crater, as raden Kusuma had asked before the sacrifice.

Terjemahan Bhs. Indonesia

Sacriface Raden Kusuma

Ada beberapa yang tinggal di kaki Gunung Bromo, Roro Anteng dan Joko Seger. Setelah delapan tahun menikah, mereka belum punya anak. Selama enam tahun mereka berdoa, memohon kepada Allah untuk memberi mereka anak-anak. Akhirnya, doa mereka dipenuhi dengan satu syarat: mereka harus mengorbankan anak bungsu mereka ke kawah Bromo.

Setelah beberapa waktu, Roro Anteng melahirkan seorang anak. Dan itu terjadi setiap tahun sampai mereka memiliki 25 anak. Mereka hidup bahagia dan mengabaikan perjanjian. Gunung Bromo meletus menandakan bahwa para dewa meminta pasangan untuk memenuhi janji mereka. Tapi, mereka tidak ingin membiarkan putra bungsu mereka, Raden Kusuma, dikorbankan ke kawah.

Raden Kusuma belajar tentang kesepakatan orangtuanya telah dibuat. Sementara itu, lava dari kawah telah membuat orang-orang yang tinggal di dekat gunung menderita. Raden Kusuma adalah baik dan mulia manusia. Dia tidak ingin saudara-saudaranya dan orang-orang menderita karena dia. Oleh karena itu, ia pergi ke Gunung Bromo dan mengorbankan dirinya untuk carater tersebut. Letusan tiba-tiba berhenti.

Sejak hari itu, setiap Kasodo 14 dalam kalender Tengger, masyarakat Tengger (keturunan Roro Anteng dan Joko Seger) memberikan sesaji ke kawah, seperti raden Kusuma telah meminta sebelum pengorbanan.

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